
I have always enjoyed working out in my lifetime. Not only is it something super productive to do with your time that is good for your physical and mental health, but it is also something fun you can do with other people! Working out is a way to find more community between people you enjoy and things that you enjoy doing together. One thing that I was worried about when I was getting a stoma put in is that I won’t be able to enjoy my daily routine of working out everyday. I have worked out almost every day from a young age, and it is something that allows me to emotionally release any stress or worries I might have and helps me to feel better about myself. I had long conversations with the doctors who were putting my stoma in, and wanted to know everything there was about what I can and cannot do after my surgery. My biggest thing was that I did not want my stoma to make me bed ridden. This might sound like a silly fear, but it was definitely something I was worried about.

If you are like I was and are worried about potentially not being able to be physically active like you once were before you had your ostomy, I have some great news for you. Except for a few small changes, you can continue to be physically active and enjoy the things you always have! Including working out in pretty much the same way as before. I have some tips for you though as you move forward from surgery and are getting adjusted to normal life again. My first tip is that you don’t push yourself too hard in the gym or in the weight room. While it is true that you should in theory be able to do all that you used to be able to do even with a stoma, there are certain limitations on your body. The doctors point out that it is much easier to develop a hernia when lifting or exercising in some sort of way after you have had an ostomy. Consequently, you are going to want to make sure you have the go-ahead from your doctors before you take on too much strenuous activity.

Lifting weights has always been my go-too for working out, so I can imagine you might be wondering about that too. Well even with an ostomy, your stoma won’t be too much of a handicap when lifting weights. Make sure you are wearing a stoma pouch that can properly adapt to your movements when lifting weights, and ensure you are keeping that thing nice and tightly wrapped. The last thing you would want to have happen is your stoma pouch gets punctured and you end up with your junk all over the weight room floor. In addition to this, you’ll want to make sure to bring extra ostomy supplies with you wherever you workout. In the event that an emergency situation occurs, you want to have plenty of wipes, sanitizers, and pouches at the ready. 

Really any physical activity is okay with a stoma, not just lifting weights. In fact, it is encouraged for most ostomy patients to begin working out sometime after they have had surgery. Not right away, obviously. Don’t even think about it man.

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